Shimla: Faced with varied climatic zones that range from minus 30 degree Celsius temperatures in winter in places like Lahaul and Spiti to sizzling summer temperatures of over 40 degree Celsius in Una district, the Himachal Pradesh education department has come out with a new vacation schedule for government schools that will come into force from the 2014-15 academic session.
In all there are to be a total of 52 vacation days in an academic year for both winter and summer closing schools except Kinnaur, Pangi and Bharmour, where schools will remain closed for 62 days. This new schedule of vacations has been divided into three phases i.e. winter break, monsoon break and festive break.
For winter closing schools new academic session will start from March 1st and will end on February 28. For these schools, other than those located in Kullu and Lahaul Spiti. winter break will remain from 1stJanuary to 5th February, the festive break of 6-days will start two days before Diwali and monsoon break of 10 days will be from 21st - 30th July. For summer closing schools other than Kullu and Lahaul Spiti winter break will be form 7th Jan to 16th Jan, festive break of 6 days will be during Diwali and monsoon break will be from 25th June to 30th July for 36 days. In Kullu district schools will remain closed from 1st Jan to 24th Jan in winters and 22nd July to 10thAugust during monsoon and 6 days during Dussehra. In Lahual and Spiti schools will remain closed during summer from 17th July to 27th August and festive break of 10 days will start from one day before Dusshera onwards. No winter break for Lahual and Spiti. Schools of Kinnaur, Pangi and Bharmour will remain closed during winter from 1st Jan to 26th Feb and monsoon break of 5 days will start from the first Monday of August. These three places won’t have any festival break.